Thank you for your interest in participating in one of our Worst Idea Wins™ game play testing events! We learn a lot from players like you, as well as hear some amazing marketing feedback and quotes to help us promote the game.

Please sign up using the link below. If you are signing up for more than one person, please fill out the form for each person who would like to attend.

And once you’re done, we could certainly use your help to get the word out by following us on instagram & facebook, as well as sharing the link to our kickstarter or our main site.

PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately, not all people who sign up will be able to game test as we have limited time and space. If you are selected, you should receive an email within 2-4 weeks with a selection of days and times to choose from. If you’re not selected, it’s certainly not because we don’t like you, we friggin’ love you for signing up! Most likely, we just ran out of room!